Understanding How Your Medications Can Affect Your Implants

8 September 2018
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

If you want to improve the appearance of your smile, then consider making an appointment with dental implant services. Your dentist will explain the procedure from start to finish, and while you will probably sail through the experience without any problems, there are certain things that may affect your treatment. Here are three ways your medications can slow the healing progress after your dental implant surgery:


Because you will need to have your teeth extracted before your implants are put into place, your dentist will monitor you for excessive bleeding. If you take a daily aspirin to lower your risk for heart disease, your blood may take longer to clot. Aspirin decreases platelet aggregation which makes your blood less sticky and less likely to clot normally.

If your physician has recommended that you take an aspirin a day to improve your cardiovascular health, make sure to discuss your upcoming dental implant surgery with him or her. You may be advised to stop taking your aspirin a week or so before your implant procedure, however, unless your physician deems it safe, do not stop taking it on your own.

Abruptly stopping aspirin therapy without first getting medical clearance can raise your risk for heart attack, stroke, or a blood clot. 

Dry Mouth

A dry mouth can raise your risk for infection after your implant surgery. Saliva helps wash away oral bacteria, and if your salivary glands are not producing enough fluid, bacteria can accumulate inside your mouth.

Certain medications such as those used to treat high blood pressure, insomnia, or pain can cause salivary gland dysfunction and dry mouth. Tell your dentist if you take any of the aforementioned medications so that he or she can recommend a lubricating mouthwash to help keep oral bacterial counts to a minimum. In the meantime, drink plenty of water to help stave off dry mouth and rinse away germs. 

Decreased Bone Density

If you take corticosteroid medications to manage asthma or another inflammatory condition, you may be at risk for developing decreased bone density. Not only can this condition affect your neck, spine, hips, and knees, but it can also weaken the bones that support your teeth.

If you have low bone density, tell your dentist, as you may not be a candidate for dental implants until your bone density status improves. Your physician can recommend ways to improve bone density such as taking a combination vitamin C and vitamin D supplement, exercising, not smoking, and taking osteoporosis medications.

If you are considering dental implant surgery and take any prescription medications, be sure to discuss it with your dentist. When he or she knows about your medical history and prescription drug use, your outcome will be more favorable.
