3 Signs That Your Child's Teeth Are Being Affected By Gluten

25 January 2016
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

If your child has been having a lot of problems with their dental health, the amount of gluten in their diet may be the culprit. If they have a sensitivity to it, their teeth could be affected. Below are three signs that your child's teeth are being affected by gluten.

Your Child Has A Lot Of Cavities

When your child is not able to properly digest gluten because of the inflammation it causes to the lining of their intestinal tract, this creates an excess of simple carbohydrates, or sugars, in their system. This then increases the amount of sugar in their saliva that can affect the teeth's enamel. While saliva normally breaks down the sugars, it starts to add more inside the mouth.

This increase in salivary sugar can attach to the surface of the teeth, wearing down the enamel over time. If your child is experiencing an unusual amount of cavities, this is a possible cause. You may want to ask their dentist about it next time you take your child in for a cleaning and checkup.

The Teeth Are Abnormally Shaped

The same inflammatory response caused by gluten in the intestinal tract can adversely affect your child's gums. Because they are in a constant state of inflammation, there may not be enough nutrients reaching the tissue.

As your child's baby or permanent teeth come in, they may have an abnormal shape or marked creases in the sides. If you notice your child's teeth are malformed, you may want to ask the dentist about it to see if it could be caused by a gluten sensitivity or if there is something else causing the condition.

Your Child's Teeth Appear Spotty Or Translucent

If your child's teeth appear to have spots on the surface, or if they seem to be translucent in some areas, one possible cause is gluten sensitivity. The same process that causes the teeth to have abnormal shapes can also thin out the enamel while it is forming.

This thinning of the enamel can also lead to even more cavities, especially when combined with the excess sugars in saliva, as discussed in the first section.

If your child's teeth are showing any of the above signs, it could be an indication that they have either a sensitivity to gluten or the beginning stages of celiac disease. You may want to talk to your child's pediatric dentist about your concerns so they can examine your child and either confirm or rule out your suspicions.

For a pediatric dentist in your area, click this link http://www.childrensdent.com or do an online search. 
