Bruxism 101: 4 Tips For Reducing Teeth Grinding

21 September 2015
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Do you wake up in the morning with a painful jaw or a headache? If so, you are probably grinding your teeth or clenching your jaw shut at night. Also known as Bruxism, this condition can be quite painful and can affect your daily life. Fortunately, it is one condition that is easy to fix.

If you want to stop grinding your teeth at night, start with these four tips:

1. Use a Nightguard

A nightguard is a helpful tool that can help you stop grinding your teeth. You can find nightguards at most stores or you can have your dentist make one specifically for you. Whichever route you choose, a nightguard will help protect your teeth at night. It will also reduce the symptoms of teeth grinding, such as headaches, sore jaws, and earaches. It can also help improve your jaw alignment, which will help reduce or eliminate your teeth grinding.

2. De-Stress

Stress is one of the largest factors that contribute to teeth grinding. If you are feeling particularly stressed out, you might grind your teeth at night to release your emotions. To help curb your teeth grinding, try to maintain a stress-free life. If you cannot do that, take the necessary steps to reduce your stress. Go to bed earlier, practice yoga, or talk out your emotions with a friend. You should also consider exercising and eating right, as being healthy will help reduce your overall stress level.

3. Eliminate Caffeine

Most people drink caffeine during the day to help them stay awake. While caffeine does help your energy levels, it's only temporary and it might be causing your teeth grinding habit. If you are worried about your teeth grinding, consider eliminating caffeine from your diet. It is a powerful stimulant, and that can make it difficult for your body and mind to relax—resulting in teeth grinding. So ditch the caffeine to sleep better and reduce your jaw pain.

4. Visit Your Dentist

Finally, consider visiting your dentist. Grinding your teeth is usually a symptom of a larger problem, such as sleep disorder or improper bite. When visiting your dentist, voice your concerns and have him or her evaluate your mouth. If your bite is off, some simple filing and drilling might be able to fix it. If you have a sleep disorder, medication might be able to help fix your problem.

Suffering from bruxism, or teeth grinding, can be painful. If you are awaking every morning with pain in your mouth, face or neck, you might be grinding your teeth at night. Try these tips, and visit your doctor and dentist, to help fix this painful habit. 

For more information, contact a dentist such as Morrison Dental Group.
